The Truth About Colostrum

Ok, raise your hand if you’ve never taken an antibiotic. Go ahead. I’ll wait. My daughter, if she was here, would enthusiastically raise her hand. But that’s just because she’s younger and has benefited from a wiser mom who has been through the school of hard knocks. But let’s be honest. There are not many […]

Why You Should Ditch Big Pharma… and HOW

Maybe this scenario sounds familiar to you—you’re a mom using conventional drugs. Your kids are always sick and the symptoms of chronic illness may be visible. You feel lost and don’t know how to do any better. This is the reality for many Americans and others around the world!  Consider the following statistics:  Now let’s […]

My Preparedness Plan

With all of the uncertainty in the world, it can be an overwhelming time for families trying to keep themselves safe and self-sufficient, regardless of what life throws at them. If you are like me, being prepared for the unknown is a great coping mechanism to keep you from being anxious about the future. So, […]

Hering’s Law of Cure

Ever heard the acronym, “TEETH?” It stands for “Tried Everything Else Then Homeopathy.” There’s a reason that saying exists. It’s because homeopathy isn’t as easy to jump into as some of the other natural healing modalities. To effectively utilize homeopathy for you and your family, first you need to understand the philosophy behind it.  I […]

Tight Toes and Terrain Theory

With back-to-school season upon us, I know one of the greatest fears that moms have is their kids getting sick. Surely, when school starts and our kids are more exposed to other kids, they just get sick. They catch things the other kids bring to school or to your homeschool co-op. And it is not […]

Can Homeopathy Cure Autoimmune Diseases?

An amazing concept in the world of homeopathy is TRUE healing. I am often asked “Can homeopathy cure autoimmune diseases?” And while the answer is more nuanced than a simple yes or no, it is still incredible! Unfortunately, this is such a difficult topic because of how our world is set up NOT to help. […]

What Does That Mean?! Homeopathy lingo.

There’s a whole world of vocab that you have to know to actually read and understand anything homeopathy related. It can be very overwhelming and believe me, I’ve been there! I know that at first, I didn’t even know how to pronounce the noun Homeopathy [hoh-mee-op-uh-thee] or the adjective Homeopathic [hoh-mee-uh-path-ik]!  And when you can […]

First Aid Homeopathy

When I first started learning about homeopathy, my head would spin with all of the information I felt like I needed to know. It felt like I would never feel comfortable or confident enough to use it for myself and my family. But as I began my journey, I experienced a few minor accidents and […]

Back to the Basics

Today, I wanted to talk about the whys behind homeopathy, and how I got here. I know that there are a lot of people out there who think homeopathy is synonymous with herbs or natural medicine, but it’s quite different! (In a recent instagram reel, I share my thoughts on people confusing homeopathy with essential […]

When the Risks Don’t Seem that Risky

Summary: Modern day marketing and packaging are designed to make it hard to recognize the risks associated with pharmaceutical drugs. I often come across parents concerned about recognizing these risks themselves, as well as teaching their children to recognize risks. This is why I include a discussion about the side effects of drugs AND  a […]

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