First Aid Homeopathy

When I first started learning about homeopathy, my head would spin with all of the information I felt like I needed to know. It felt like I would never feel comfortable or confident enough to use it for myself and my family. But as I began my journey, I experienced a few minor accidents and first aid situations that really solidified things for me. The pragmatic application (on a small scale) brought the principles of homeopathy full circle for me. And after experiencing the first aid stuff, I had a stronger foundation to build from and was able to get beyond my feeling of overwhelm. 

I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to start out on anything new, but that’s why we need to start with baby steps. And when it comes to learning homeopathy, using it for accidents ARE the baby steps! I have spent so much time studying and sharing this topic because it’s literally one of the biggest focuses in my curriculum.

Why Should You Teach Your Family Homeopathic Remedies for First Aid?

As I said, learning first aid is really the best first baby step in learning the remedies. That’s why I included this in my curriculum to teach your kids and family homeopathy because accidents are something children know well; it makes sense to them. The symptoms of an injury are well known to kids and applying remedies to these conditions is logical to them. Young students can dive in and go further with homeopathy as they get older. Accidents are the perfect catalyst for everyone under your roof to learn homeopathy.

Also, first aid homeopathy is kind of magical. Here you have a pretty concerning situation where someone is hurt, and when you select the right remedy, it works so quickly. It’s really one of the best ways to convert people to the power of homeopathy, and when you know what remedy to use, you kinda come out like the boss woman (or man!).

Accidents are a Really Great Place to Start Because They Are Short-Term Acute Illnesses

So why does being a short-term, acute illness matter? Well, in homeopathy, the totality of the symptoms is what helps us select a remedy. So for a chronic illness… let’s say hormonal imbalance for example — the totality of symptoms can span years, even decades depending on the issue. That’s really challenging because your homeopath needs to decide what to prioritize, what to minimize, and really how to manage the overall case. It’s complicated and that’s why I’m really a strong proponent of working with a highly-qualified homeopath, one with solid training including clinical training in live cases, for chronic conditions. 

But an accident… think about it. The totality of symptoms are pretty short. If you broke your arm this morning, you only need to think as far back as this morning for all the symptoms associated with that injury. So this makes it easier for you to take the case!

The Coolest Remedies for Accidents

Let’s learn some top remedies for accidents — hopefully you won’t need them, but as we all know, you probably will sooner or later. 

Apis mellifica and Carbolic acid 

An amazing first aid remedy is for anaphylactic shock due to allergic reactions. If you can’t tell, I’m picking really dramatic remedies here that will really impress your friends about homeopathy! God forbid you have to use these, but if you are in that situation, you really will be glad you learned this. Apis mellifica is well known for anaphylactic shock due to allergic reactions. We are looking for really big swelling…it can be where you got stung, or if you’re having an allergic reaction to food, your throat will be swelling up. But we are talking about water balloon swelling, not just a ‘big mosquito bite bump.’ Along with that swelling, look for itching, and stinging pain. 

Many people who learn homeopathy know about Apis for anaphylactic reactions, but it’s good to know about a backup remedy that is also helpful for anaphylactic situations. It’s called, Carbolic acid. I’d personally probably use Apis first, but have Carbolic acid ready as a backup. In this kind of an emergency situation, you really want to have these remedies memorized because you won’t have much time to sit down and check your books. That’s why I have the memory work music, so these songs are really stuck in your head!

Bryonia and Hypericum 

Next, let’s go to painkillers. For a broken bone, I know everyone thinks of Arnica, which is the premier accident remedy. I also think it’s a likely remedy to administer BUT before that bone is set, they are going to be in a lot of pain, especially if you move the broken body part. This means you’re going to want to give Bryonia. In my experience, Bryonia 30 or 200 didn’t cut the pain from my son’s broken wrist, so we had to use a 1M. That allowed the pain to go away and he didn’t need any pain killers either before or after the bone was in a cast. The keynote to this remedy is worse from movement: that’s why the memory work music is a little ‘slow-motion’ sounding. 

Then, another great pain killer is Hypericum. This is specific to nerve rich endings. So if someone gets their fingers stuck in a door that is closed, or if you fall on your tailbone, or even if you cut your finger and it’s very, very painful, think of Hypericum. In the storybook, Evie’s grandpa teaches her, “high pain? Hypericum.” and that’s an easy way to remember it. 

Aconitum napellus 

This is a top remedy to always carry with you, and it is known as Aconite (which is the nickname for Aconitum napellus). This remedy is excellent for shock. When my 12 year old son shot off a firework in our living room and burned his hand, he came upstairs in full and complete shock. He kept apologizing and saying, “I’m going to die. I’m going to die. I’m so sorry. I’m going to die.” It was so helpful that he kept repeating these words because one of the keynote symptoms of this remedy is that you’re in shock and you have a fear of death! So that clearly pointed to Aconite. I gave him just Aconite 30c, and my son took a huge breath and said almost to himself, “Oh, ok. Maybe I’m not going to die.” It was amazing how quickly it worked! 

But as soon as the shock passed, he began to say, “Oh, but it hurts! It hurts, it burns.” Since his hand had been burned, I then gave him Cantharis 30c. You’ll notice that I didn’t jump to higher potencies. Actually for all of the remedies I listed, except for Bryonia and the broken bone and perhaps Hypericum, I have given 30c. This potency is not considered very high but these remedies do a great job. I’ve been told that the lower potencies like 6 or 30 do better at addressing physical problems, and the higher potencies like 200 and up are for the deeper emotional state. I’m not sure if all homeopaths agree with that, but I do see it as a helpful note to keep in mind. 

Carbo veg 

In my storybook, Evie and the Secret of Small Things, I share a story about a kitten who almost drowns. Several kittens got stuck inside an upturned umbrella during a rainstorm in Brazil, where the streets get flooded. They then floated down to the river. It’s a really great story and in the end, my father’s brother saved the kittens. However, one of them suffocated under the puddle of water that was at the bottom of the umbrella. And so it was as though he was dead. His gums were blue…in a human you’d see a blue face and lips…and he appeared to be dead. But they saw some waning signs of life, so they gave the kitten Carbo veg. This remedy helped revive the kitten, it helped him bring air into his lungs, and ultimately the kitten revived.

I myself have seen the dramatic power of Carbo veg when I helped a friend save a baby goat who had gotten stuck during childbirth and was nearly dead. Every time she gave the Carbo veg, the goat would gasp and breathe better. Eventually, she was able to stop dosing the remedy as frequently because the baby goat was able to stand up and breathe on its own. It was amazing. So for this remedy, in my memory work music, I use pretty spooky music because they say this remedy is the great corpse reviver when someone is nearly dead. 

My sweet friend Sara shared a perfect first aid story:

“Today, my kids and I were hiking with our weekly nature exploration homeschool group and one of the moms was bitten by a fire ant. The bite was really bothering her, she started complaining about it swelling up a bit, itching, stinging…. My kids were like, “Mom, she needs Apis.” 😍 I happened to have a small first aid remedy kit in my purse which included Apis, so we asked if she’d be interested in giving it a try to relieve her ant bite. She had never heard of it but was willing to try it and guess what?!? About a minute later all her symptoms had completely gone, like it never happened!!!! She was amazed and my kids and I were super pumped to be able to put our new knowledge to use to help a friend. We obviously told her about the curriculum as well 😉

This story made possible by you Paola Brown , thank you so much!!!!❤❤❤”

Stories like this remind us that we CAN do it! Sometimes it just takes getting over the hurdle of putting your knowledge to the test for the first time to really flourish. And you guys, my curriculum, my memory work music, ALL of it, teaches your kids AND you about healing in a natural way. Everything you need to start committing these concepts and keynotes to memory is provided for you!



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