How to

Lead a Group Class Webinar


How you can get paid to teach homeopathy to kids:

So many of you are so excited about the world’s first homeopathy curriculum, and now we’ve developed a program so you can lead a group class! Have a passion for homeopathy? We’ll provide you all the resources you need to run an effective group class, virtually or in person. If you are interested in leading a free group class so everyone can save money on materials, without charging for the class, this plan works for you as well!

Endorsed by the Academy of Homeopathy Education

Created by the president and CO-founder of Americans for Homeopathy Choice

Brought to you in Part by Washington Homeopathic Products

What will you learn from this webinar?

About the curriculum:

Last year, we are released the world’s first homeopathy curriculum. Created by Paola Brown, the president of Americans for Homeopathy Choice, this groundbreaking literature-based curriculum introduces kids to homeopathy in a meaningful and colorful way. Using a literature-based, one-room schoolhouse approach, Teach Me Health and Homeopathy will give your kids a health toolkit they can never forget, and use for a lifetime.

Our ultimate goal is to bring the healing power of homeopathy to the next generation, and there’s only so much we can do by ourselves. We’re looking to equip group leaders to teach the homeopathy course.

Why You Should Sign Up:


Sign Up Now!

We will send you an email with everything you need to know and a link to the recorded webinar! Make sure to hang onto it as a resource to guide you through the process of becoming a group leader!

Back To School Savings You Won't Want to Miss!

Just getting started with Homeopathy? Need a refresher? The Intro to Homeopathy class is the perfect place to start.



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