Ever heard the acronym, “TEETH?” It stands for “Tried Everything Else Then Homeopathy.” There’s a reason that saying exists. It’s because homeopathy isn’t as easy to jump into as some of the other natural healing modalities. To effectively utilize homeopathy for you and your family, first you need to understand the philosophy behind it.
I understand what it’s like to lose trust and disconnect from your own body’s ability to heal, or from your children’s bodies’ ability to heal. I don’t want to minimize that. That’s certainly a challenge to overcome. However, I’m here to tell you that understanding the philosophy is empowering, and I can help you overcome the challenge of not trusting your body. I’ve been through a lot of stressful situations with my health and my family’s health, and this knowledge helps me evaluate the options and make informed decisions.
Today we’re going to talk about one of the important philosophies that guides homeopathy—it’s called, “Hering’s Law of Cure.”
Who was Constantine Hering (and why do I have a massive crush on him)?
Constantine Hering was a medical doctor who trained in Leipzig, Germany. He overlapped a year of schooling with Hahnemann. At this time, Hahnemann was hosting students at his house teaching about homeopathy. He was also making his own medicine and the pharmaceutical suppliers didn’t like it. He was causing a lot of controversy. It was during this time of turmoil that Hering was assigned by one of his professors to write an anti-homeopathy article.
This is covered in my book, “Evie and the Golden Homestead.”
As Hering began to do the research for his paper, he became suspicious that homeopathy was effective! Hering began to try the homeopathic principles himself. Once, Hering ordered cinchona bark from a pharmacist who asked why Hering wanted it. The pharmacist was suspicious because he knew that Samuel Hahnemann, the father of Homeopathy, had used this tincture to test out a principle in homeopathy. Sensing the pharmacist’s suspicions, Hering answered, “For the purpose of proving it, in order to more thoroughly attack the new folly [Homeopathy].” To this the druggist replied, “Let it alone, Hering; you are stepping on dangerous ground.” Hering’s answer was, “I fear not the truth.”
I so admire Hering’s approach. No matter how controversial homeopathy was, he wanted to know the truth, even if that meant him being wrong and homeopathy not actually being a “folly.” He sought truth, not the desire to just be “right.”
The more research he did, the more he began to doubt his anti-homeopathy position.
Then, Hering injured his finger while in medical school where he had been dissecting a cadaver. It got worse and worse, with nothing helping, until eventually the staff of doctors suggested amputation. But in that critical moment, someone approached Hering with a suggestion. It surely was one of Hahnemann’s students, and he suggested Arsenicum. The result? This homeopathic remedy healed Hering’s finger. Hering said, “To Hahnemann, who had saved my finger, I gave my whole hand and to the promulgation of his teachings not only my hand, but the entire man, body and soul.”
Hering and Hahnemann never met, but corresponded through the rest of Hahnemann’s life. Hahnemann once said Hering was the colossus of homeopathy!
What is his Law of Cure?
Eventually, Hering developed what is called “Hering’s Law of Cure.” Hering’s Law of Cure describes how our bodies follow the path to healing. It’s really not a law, because our bodies don’t always follow this path, but it’s a great guide.
Hering’s Law of Cure has 3 parts:
Part 1: Disease works from present to past as you heal
If you suppress symptoms it drives the disease deeper. Eczema is a good example of this. When eczema is suppressed with corticosteroids, it drives the illness deeper and it can often become asthma.
So, if you have an adult or someone older who has asthma today, a homepath will treat the asthma, and oftentimes, what will happen during the healing is that the eczema will return. Generally when it returns, the symptoms are more mild, but there is no rule when it comes to our bodies. Then the homeopath will treat the eczema and both the eczema and the asthma go away!
So what the homeopath sees is suppressed asthma and eczema healing from present to past.
It’s not just about finding the right remedy, it’s about the entire case management. If you put steroids on that eczema, you’ve lost an opportunity to heal yourself.
I can give you another, personal, example. I used to have bladder infections which I eventually suppressed into interstitial cystitis—chronic bladder bleeding with no infection. However, as I worked with my homeopath and the chronic interstitial cystitis improved, guess what came back? My actual bladder infections. So, we treated those one-by-one, and over time my bladder greatly improved.
Then, I got an infection last Christmas, level 10 in pain, but I did not take an antibiotic. I took a remedy, and it went to level 2-3 pain, but I still just couldn’t kick it completely. A few weeks later, I got a high fever, and it kicked the infection with it. Of course, I had to support it with hydration. But before that, my homeopath and I had been waiting for my body to give us a new set of symptoms. Because again, it’s all about case management for the entire person.
Part 2: Disease comes on from the bottom up and from the fingers towards the core/torso
So, when I was suffering from interstitial cystitis I developed dermographia, a terrible skin condition where I would have hives appear from any scratching or even light contact with my skin. I was itchy if I moved or if anything touched me, and it was debilitating. I laid in bed for 3 months not knowing what to do. I didn’t know how to cure it; I didn’t know what caused it. This horrible disease was a result of antibiotic use. What was interesting, when I first developed this condition, my initial symptoms appeared on my feet, and then it slowly worked upwards on my legs, to my torso, and finally to the top of my head.
Then, as homeopathy cured me, the first place for the dermographia to get better was my face,then my neck, then my chest, and the last things to get better were my fingers, hands, and feet.
So, while disease enters from the bottom up, it will often exit from the top down, especially when it comes to skin conditions.
Part 3: Your body is trying to protect the most vital organs— seeking to push disease away from the most vital organs towards the less vital ones.
Your most vital organs are your brain, your heart, and your lungs… but your skin isn’t as important when it comes to sustaining life. So when you suppress disease, your body is trying to push that as far away from your vital organs as possible. Then, when you’re healing with homeopathy, since your brain is the most important, you’ll often notice those mental symptoms improve first.
For example, my son had allergies that were really awful, and he was so upset, he was crying about it. When I gave him the right remedy he immediately stopped crying. I asked him if he was still itchy and suffering and he said yes, but he had stopped crying. I knew I had selected the right remedy because there was a clear shift in his mental symptoms. Over the course of the next week or two, all of his allergy symptoms followed suit and improved.
Why his Law of Cure is so empowering
As I have often said, I understand what it’s like to lose trust and disconnect from your own body’s ability to heal, or from your children’s bodies’ ability to heal. I’ve been there myself. But I also know that understanding Hering’s Law of Cure is a powerful tool to help us appreciate the healing path our bodies take. When you understand this path, you learn to trust your body and its ability to heal!
You will avoid panic because you’ll know how to recognize good progression. This will also prevent you from resorting to suppressing your symptoms.
Think back to the eczema/allergy example. Imagine someone improving in their asthma symptoms and witnessing their eczema return. If they don’t understand the law of cure, they might panic and think, “I’m getting worse!“ And resort to taking corticosteroids. This only results in suppressing the eczema again and it will start the cycle of the asthma all over again.
Realizing the direction of cure helps you appreciate how your body is trying to take care of you, and you can work together with it, instead of against it.
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