Get 3 FREE lessons from my homeopathy curriculum for kids

Get 3 FREE lessons from my homeopathy curriculum for kids

In these crazy times, want to make the most of being stuck indoors with your family? Check out these samples of our new Homeopathy Curriculum. You can start right away with FREE lessons, stories, songs, and activities from our curriculum as my gift to you.

After that, I’ll send you resources each day over that week to help you through the lessons!

Here's what you get with the curriculum for Grades 1-12.

Student not yet in 1st Grade?

Get FREE lessons from the Pre-K & Kindergarten Primer

Student not yet in 1st Grade?

Get FREE lessons from the Pre-K & Kindergarten Primer

When I first started homeschooling my two oldest children, their younger sister saw all the time I was spending with the others. She stomped her foot and said, “Mom, I need school too.”

Once I had completed the “Teach Me Healthy & Homeopathy” curriculum, I was quickly informed that preschoolers wanted in on the fun as well! So I got back to work… (Shipping is estimated for the week of Labor day, depending on Covid!)

Academy of homeopathy logo

Endorsed by the Academy of Homeopathy Education

Made to keep your child's mind active.

Each lesson is designed to be engaging and fun for kids. Let them enjoy passing the time while learning valuable lessons about homeopathic remedies.

Each lesson includes educational stories, songs & optional activities.

The lessons learned will teach kids how to dig deeper and ask better questions about their health and medicine.

Walk through a simple 1 day at a time process.

The lessons will walk you through teaching your kids homeopathic remedies – the organization is done for you.

Join the growing homeopathy family.

Get access to the FB group “Teach Kids Homeopathy with Paola Brown” where you can meet others who are using the 3 FREE lessons you’re getting!

About Paola

Paola Brown is a wife, homesteading mama of three, and experienced educator whose homeopathy workshops, classes, and interactive online courses empower other moms and families to incorporate homeopathic principles into their lives. As president and founder of Americans for Homeopathy Choice, Paola advocates for the growing number of mothers and other homeopathy users who want to protect their right to choose homeopathy. Her latest project, Teach Me Health & Homeopathy, is a comprehensive and engaging homeschool curriculum that equips families to teach children homeopathic principles, building them a solid foundation for life.

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Get the Full Curriculum:

the world’s first homeopathy curriculum for kids. Make homeopathy fun with this unforgettable health toolkit that will last a lifetime. Available in three levels for grades 1-3, 4-8, or 9-12. Payment plans available.

Copyright © 2020 Paola Brown. All rights reserved.

Back To School Savings You Won't Want to Miss!

Just getting started with Homeopathy? Need a refresher? The Intro to Homeopathy class is the perfect place to start.



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