Ok, raise your hand if you’ve never taken an antibiotic. Go ahead. I’ll wait. My daughter, if she was here, would enthusiastically raise her hand. But that’s just because she’s younger and has benefited from a wiser mom who has been through the school of hard knocks.
But let’s be honest. There are not many walking among us in our world that have not taken antibiotics. Those are the real unicorns around us. So anything we can do to heal our gut is vital and important.
Hopefully, I am the one in this room who has taken the most antibiotics. I’ve taken a lot, like a lot a lot. I went to a lot of different natural health practitioners before I found homeopathy. Like 60,000 dollars worth. And they all told me I’m so lucky that I wasn’t sicker than I was or am today.
When I was researching about healing my gut, I came across colostrum … particularly camel colostrum and cow colostrum. Camel colostrum was a little harder to find (and by that I mean a lot harder), and I read that bovine colostrum is just as good, so I went for that. I drove to a farm every week in Virginia and bought raw, frozen colostrum and took a gulp of it each day until the little pint I bought ran out that week. But then I moved to Texas and I couldn’t find a local, consistent source. That’s when I got into dried, raw colostrum, and I’ve never turned back.
My relationship with colostrum actually predates my homeopathy journey. Back then, I had been doing deep-dive research on colostrum. Turns out there is a lot of “colostrum” being sold out there as colostrum, but it’s actually mixed with so much transitional milk that when it’s 3rd party tested, it is considered milk, not colostrum. This is a huge problem with people with gut issues because many of them can’t tolerate milk and lactose in the first place and the whole reason they are taking colostrum is because they are trying to heal their gut. So when they take colostrum that is actually mostly milk, it’s not helping them and can do more harm than good.
After learning about the fact that a lot of colostrum out there was actually milk, I decided to get it directly from the source and I found it from a local farmer. The colostrum from my Virginia farmer had a very distinct, sticky taste. When I moved to Texas and looked for another raw, local source, I couldn’t find any. I tried a few powder forms, but they did NOT have that distinct, sticky colostrum flavor I had grown used to. Then I tried the current version I use and the taste was the same! Only the texture was different because it was dried. It was dried but it was still raw.
So this colostrum I use is collected within the first 6 hours of birth. That’s why it’s called Colostrum6. The 6 refers to the first 6 hours. Before I really started consuming it, I spoke with the creator of this brand, Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith, and I found out that the calves are treated really really well. They make sure that the calf gets the colostrum it needs right at birth…because if the calf doesn’t get any within the first 24 hours, the calf will die. It’s really a testament to the power of colostrum that the calf needs it so badly after birth. The colostrum lines the calf’s gut with its initial gut bacteria and there is no other way for it to get its initial gut bacteria seedlings planted without it.
Since cows are by far my favorite animal—they are so gentle and full of personality—it is super important to me that they are treated with the love that God had when He created them. Due to this, I wrote an article about the Colostrum6 cows, and you can learn about their treatment in this article. Access it at: PaolaBrown.com/ILoveCows
The importance of taking CLEAN colostrum
Ultimately, if the cows are not grass-fed, antibiotic-free, and had limited you-know-whats, they are not healthy and they can’t give us one of the most precious things that comes in colostrum: antibodies. It’s super important that they are healthy, grass-fed, and clean.
Let me back up and explain the antibodies, and this point about clean colostrum will make more sense. So obviously, we know that when our babies nurse, we pass our immunity to them. That means the antibodies we have developed into our adulthood will be passed onto our babies so they can ward off diseases that their immune system is not ready to deal with. What’s cool about colostrum from cows is that they are able to universally donate their antibodies to all mammals, not just humans. There are other animals that can do this too, like the camel I mentioned earlier, but not all milk-bearing animals can do this. For example, goats can’t donate antibodies to us.
And cows develop a lot of antibodies that are beneficial to humans. Such as the strep bacteria that most commonly causes strep throat. Or for example, the lyme disease antibody. There are a lot of others. Now of course, I can’t say anything that could ever be construed as colostrum treating or curing any disease, but isn’t that funny that it has these antibodies that universally donate to humans when they swallow bovine colostrum. Huh. Funny.
Now a lot of colostrum companies will force hokey pokies on their cows in an effort to force them to produce antibodies. This brings me back to the importance of getting clean colostrum. You need it from grass-fed cows, from healthy cows that were given plenty of colostrum at birth, that haven’t gotten antibiotics, and haven’t been forced into doing the hokey pokey all their lives in order to create a ton of antibodies.
Ok, this is the clutch about the colostrum that I use. The owner of this company, Dr. K, he didn’t want to stress out his cows by doing the hokey pokey dance. So instead of making them dance to get a variety of antibodies, he instead decided to work with a lot of different farmers who adhere to his beyond organic requirements. Then he takes the colostrum from all these cows. Dries it so that it remains raw, kind of like how a probiotic pill is powder but still alive with bacteria, and then he mixes the colostrum together with hundreds, sometimes thousands of cows.
Rather than relying on a few cows who have been forced into developing a bunch of antibodies, he just mixes the colostrum of hundreds of cows so you get the herd’s immunity. Ha ha. Get it? Herd immunity. So that means you get a ton of amazing antibodies. And it’s honestly better than the colostrum I was buying from my local farmer because that was coming from just one, maybe a small handful of cows.
How the growth factors in colostrum help heal your gut
I hope by now you’re getting an idea of how antibodies are amazing for our gut healing. But let’s talk about the natural growth factors that help the body bring itself back into a state of homeostasis—the body’s ability to bring itself into balance and health. These growth factors help stimulate the normal reproduction of cellular tissue. Think about it…as you age, your skin can’t reproduce itself like a baby’s can, and that’s why it begins to become older. This is happening inside our bodies too. The New England Journal of medicine has said that the most effective anti-aging process would be simply the replacement of growth factors at proper levels to slow the aging process. And those are the same kinds of growth factors that are found in colostrum. I have to be careful how I discuss these details because of compliance rules, but I’m giving you all the pieces for you to put them together!
Let me give you an analogy. Think about someone’s gut, like mine, that has been destroyed by antibiotics. It’s not just the lack of good gut bacteria, but the gut itself is damaged. How can you renew your gut? By helping it produce more cellular tissue for a fresh clean layer of healthy gut. The trick is knowing where to find that natural growth factor, like in colostrum.
Over time, I saw some pretty amazing benefits. The holes in my teeth were gone. I am not able to use the medical term here because of the rules, but my oral health was amazing and improved significantly. I didn’t need to get the holes in my teeth corrected. Later, I also saw that I was not as severely reactive when in contact with gluten. It improved so much that I actually ate gluten for 3 years when I lived in Europe. Keep in mind that before doing colostrum, I had ordered really nice Einkorn wheat from France and I reacted very badly to it…so it wasn’t just the fact that the wheat came from Europe. My gut’s wellbeing is sooooo much better because of the colostrum.
I truly wanted to share about colostrum because so many of my friends and followers have gut issues. I have a friend who messaged me a few months ago. She was having issues from an illness that comes with the little bug that likes to bury its head into your skin and suck your blood. She was miserable and falling apart. She had always made fun of me for being super granola crunchy and for taking colostrum. She lives in VA and she specifically made fun of me for going to get my colostrum from my farmer at the time. So when she was falling apart she messaged me and I had her get the same colostrum that I use now. She came back a short time later in tears thanking me because she felt so much better. She apologized, but I didn’t care, I was just glad I could help her!
Now she had results fairly quickly. But for me, I actually did not experience a noticeable difference when I took colostrum. I like to point this out. I took it because I had done a ton of research and knew it was good and I wanted to take it. But when I started the Colostrum 6, I began to crave it like I had never had before. Maybe it was in part because I had to be so careful with my farmer’s colostrum because a pint would run out so quickly, but when I started ordering it in a 2 lb tub, I really went wild. I started taking so many spoonfuls a day. I craved it like I’ve NEVER craved anything in my life. I just ate and ate and ate. I still didn’t see anything in my overall health improve. My hormones kinda stayed the same. I was still struggling with insomnia, but I just kept eating and eating.
And then suddenly, when I went back to my dentist to correct the teeth issue, he said he had to do more x-rays because it had been over a year since they’d seen the previous issues, and they couldn’t find the issues. I about fell out of his chair. Everything was fine.
Then I moved to Europe and I was at a restaurant and because of the language barrier, I was served a giant plate of gluten-filled gnocchi. I thought it was gluten free so I ate it up. Then I went back the next day to the same restaurant and got a waiter who spoke good English, and she told me, “I can serve you gnocchi, but it’s not gluten free.” That’s when I realized, OH MY GOSH. I didn’t react. It was the colostrum. Homeopathy corrected my insomnia and hormone issues, but colostrum really got my gut wellbeing back into balance.
Remember. Your natural state is HEALTH. And you can help your family raise generations of health, and I hope this information is a baby step in the right direction. HUGS to you!
Purchase Anovite Colostrum https://shop.bydesign.com/Anovite/#/shop/from/7733?categoryID=1