With back-to-school season upon us, I know one of the greatest fears that moms have is their kids getting sick. Surely, when school starts and our kids are more exposed to other kids, they just get sick. They catch things the other kids bring to school or to your homeschool co-op. And it is not fun to have kids who come home sick all the time. I get it! This can be super stressful to a lot of moms.
That’s why, today, we’re going to talk about terrain theory and why you don’t need to fear the germs! Terrain theory is one of those concepts that I have researched and researched and researched—almost as much as homeopathy. Today I’m going to share information that is going to help bring down that level of fear and instead bring you into balance.
What is Terrain Theory?
Louis Pasteur is the father of Germ theory (note, I said Germ and not Terrain) and I really believe he was a liar and not a good person. In 1993, Washington Post writer, Cristine Russell, released a breaking article titled, “Louis Pasteur and Questions of Fraud”. Later in 1995, Dr. Lawrence Altman released a similarly damning article about Pasteur in no other than the New York Times, “Revisionist History Sees Pasteur as Liar Who Stole Rival’s Ideas”. What’s shocking about this man that we laud as a pillar in medical history, is that he was actually a liar who stole ideas from many of his rivals.
But do not be fooled—Pasteur did have skills. As Altman writes, Pasteur “mastered the rhetoric and public relations that long have been a part of science, and he showed that even brilliant scientists gamble by cutting corners to beat rivals and promote themselves.” By discussing the nature of some of Pasteur’s lies, and studying the truth about Pasteur, we are provided with an excellent opportunity to develop vital critical thinking skills about how medicine is run today.
- Pasteur lied about how he’d developed the vaccine. He used a method that a veterinarian, Jean-Joseph Toussaint had developed.
- Then when a kid came in because he’d been bitten by a rabid dog, Pasteur treated him using a method that he had not tested before, even though he had another method that had been proven to work. He literally experimented on this kid using a completely untested method. But it worked and the kid survived.
- In the end, Dr. Geison concluded that Pasteur had exceptional skills as an experimentalist and theoretician and that his credit should not be diminished.
I think it’s disgusting. Pasteur stole information from others, too. And he also accused others of stealing his work. I think it’s interesting that a guilty conscience ends up pointing the finger at others. It’s the kettle calling the pot black.
One of Pasteur’s many rivals was Antoine Béchamp. Béchamp’s Terrain Theory, which is a sharp contrast to Pasteur’s, argues that yes, germs and pathogens are out there, but it’s only if the living organism’s terrain is out of order and imbalanced that one’s protective forces break down, allowing pathogens to have access to you.
Basically the issue is not whether or not you have a germ, the issue is susceptibility. I have a really awesome video from my kids curriculum that I have released as a sample. You can watch it here and it’s really a wonderful, easy overview on terrain theory.
Why Germs are a Blessing
But this concept of being susceptible makes us think, ok, we need to strengthen our immune system and avoid ever getting sick. Well that’s not true either. Literally getting sick is part of what strengthens your terrain!
For example, let’s consider an acute illness—a short-term illness that doesn’t last very long. Sometimes an acute can interact with a chronic. For example, if you catch covid, and you’re sick with it for months and months…well there was probably an underlying issue that you had and that’s why your version lasted longer than someone else who was only sick for about a week and a half. This really shows us the difference in people’s terrain.
Generally, acute illnesses happen because it’s the first time your body has experienced a bacteria or virus. The immune system has never acquainted itself with it.
My friend Dr. Whitmont, a homeopath in New York says,
“Acute infections mark the course toward establishing a fully mature immune system as it adapts to changes in the developing microbiome. The natural outcome of an acute infection is a strengthening of the connection between the immune system that accommodates a greater diversification of the microbiome. The process of acute infection challenges both the microbiome and the immune system and results in a stronger integration between the two. Pharmacologic treatments (antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals) designed to address the acute infection ultimately weaken the connection between the immune system and the microbiome. These medications damage the microbiome and prevent the immune system from negotiating with the microbiome. Inevitably, these agents prevent both the immune system and the microbiome from maturing. Permanent or lasting immunity cannot result under these circumstances.”
You can read Dr. Whitmont’s entire article here: https://www.homeopathicmd.com/2015/09/chronic-illness-and-the-human-microbiome/
But hear this important statement that he makes: “Acute illnesses are transitional phases, or stages, vital to the maturation of the immune system. Long-term health, and immunity are impossible without these activities.”
He goes on to say that by getting rid of childhood infectious illnesses, like measles, through routine XXXX “also prevents the immune system from experiencing the routine challenges of acute illness that helps it mature. Exposure to a wide range of infectious illnesses during childhood decreases the risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD). Removal of these illnesses from the repertoire of the immune system has serious ramifications on immune system maturity and directly contributes to the tendency to develop chronic inflammatory disease.[22]”
Not only are acute infections critical opportunities for the immune system to develop and mature, but they are part of the crucial negotiation process that allows the immune system to adapt to the environment, to recognize and tolerate certain bacterial components of the microbiome, and simultaneously react to others by developing permanent immunity.
Ok, I have to force myself to stop because, otherwise, I’ll spend my entire time quoting this awesome article. Ultimately, you need to see the illnesses your kids get as blessings. They may seem inconvenient, but they truly are amazing to help your kids’ immune system grow. This mentality is really really important to pass down to your kids.
In your mind, I want you to picture two children raised by completely different parents:
The first one is given medications at every sniffle and opportunity. What do they learn from this? (1) My body needs help and therefore I shouldn’t trust my body during an illness. (2) The medicines I’m taking outweigh the risks of taking them so they’re not bad. I promise you that kid will grow into chronic illness over the years.
The second kid is allowed to burn fevers, and to draw a stronger connection between their immune system and their microbiome as Dr. Whitmont says. What does he learn from this? (1) His body was made to heal. (2) He should trust his body, and (3) the medicines are not only unnecessary but we should be pretty cautious around them.
I can’t tell you this enough. You have to be explicit about this with your kids. They need to know why embracing illness is important. Otherwise, they will do what almost everyone else is doing these days and suppress their illnesses.
How to Strengthen your Terrain
The first step to strengthening your terrain is understanding what I just talked about. You need to reduce your FEAR over germs. I’m telling you, your level of fear over an illness really will impact your survival. I’m reminded of that time in 2020 when nurse Erin shared how hospital protocols were actually harming patients who came in with that illness that starts with the letter C. Basically, people were coming in, moderately sick with the virus, but they would have been just fine. However, they were so afraid of what would happen that they went to the hospital and ultimately—by being put on ventilators—the deaths began to rise. This nurse felt that, for any of these people, the hospital protocols were more harmful than the illness. Indeed, fear (and in this case, the fear that led people—who were not really that sick—to go to the hospital) can absolutely harm our health.
Next, we need to avoid antibiotics. People are always excited and willing to take all kinds of supplements, but before that is even a concern, you need to have a plan for when you’re sick. Do you have homeopathic remedies? Do you have a homeopath? Do you have a back up plan in case the homeopathy doesn’t work? I don’t like to use colloidal silver, but it’s a good back up plan!
Then for me it’s colostrum, colostrum, colostrum and fermented foods. I actually just got a DM on Instagram from a mom and look at what she said to me:
“Have to share, we have been using the colostrum now since January [so that’s been 6 months] and all (6) of my kids can eat raw dairy and butter now!!! So so thankful!!! I know the colostrum was a huge part in their healing.”
Being able to eat those amazing ingredients means her kids’ microbiome and gut has improved. And just think about what that has to do with their immune system!
Finally, fevers. Burn baby burn. Let those fevers burn. By now, we know what a blessing these are to our bodies. They are known to literally kill cancer cells, and help detoxify our bodies. I’ve talked about this a lot on social media (IG and FB).
My curriculum teaches you all about all of this and so much more about terrain theory. Here is a testimonial from a sweet Momeopath about how much the curriculum gets your children to think differently about their health….
Recently, my son got a skin rash that was really upsetting and really spread. I was grateful to work with my homeopath as well as a local practitioner who helped me through it. We got through it without suppression, without steroids and antibiotics. But I have to say, your curriculum has been such a big part of this journey as well! If we hadn’t just been singing those memory tracks in the car last week, I wouldn’t have had little eyes looking up at me questioning steroids, and maybe I’d have caved. I had to walk the walk I’d been talking! 😁 And your whole curriculum and FB group are such a blessing to the world. 💛”
—Jill A
So feel at peace this school year knowing you are setting your kids up for long-term health and immunity by strengthening their immune systems now. And know you are not alone in your endeavors! Get my curriculum to build your confidence through education and join my Facebook page to find a supportive community of parents reaching for the same goals.
Watch My Terrain Theory Video: https://paolabrown.com/terrainvid/?utm_source=10stepspdf&utm_medium=10stepspdf