Book Club Program: Evie and the Secret of Small Things

A Homeopathy Primer for Adults

What is this Book Club all about? It’s about adults connecting with friends and like-minded people who are hungry to get started with homeopathy while also building a foundation that will help you teach your family homeopathy. As you use the Book Club Handbook to read through Evie and the Secret of Small Things, you will find the perfect space to learn about and introduce your friends to some of the most fundamental homeopathy concepts. This guide also highlights the value of working with a professional homeopath who can further your knowledge about homeopathy while also helping to manage your or a family member’s case, and even walks you through the process of finding one!  For those who complete the entire book club (it takes about 8 weeks) you’ll be receiving a phenomenal Graduation Gift! 

Family Homeopathy Journal is optional for the Book Club Program and is sold separately.

Starting at $73

Step 1: Purchase Book Club Materials.

Step 2: Review your materials and start reading Evie and the Secret of Small Things!

Step 3: Start Your Own FREE Book Club, or Join Someone Else's!

Bring this Book Club program home: Designed for adults & their friends!

Gather with friends and learn the basics about homeopathy. Discuss topics like how to find a homeopath, how to use a repertory and materia medica, take several acute cases, and learn 19 different homeopathic remedies. Learning homeopathy can be a little overwhelming at first, but this book club allows you to learn with friends and jump right in.

Endorsed by the Academy of Homeopathy Education

Created by the president and CO-founder of Americans for Homeopathy Choice

Brought to you in Part by Washington Homeopathic Products

Learn the keynotes to 19 different homeopathic remedies!

In addition to teaching you about the basic principles of homeopathy (the law of similars, suppressing illness, provings, and more) you will learn quick-and-dirty tips for using a materia medica and a repertory, the keynotes to 19 different homeopathic remedies, and how to find, select, and work with a homeopath. You’ll also get to practice what you’ve learned by trying your hand at taking many acute cases!

I want you to fall in love with this Book Club program. It really is the perfect way for you to dip your toe into the wonderful world of homeopathy. You can do this on your own, or you can gather some of your friends and do it as a group! Even if you’re an experienced “Momeopath,” and are beyond the basics, this program is still for you! Reviewing the basics always strengthens your foundation. 

What materials do I need?

Evie and the Secret of Small Things

This beloved novel--for ages 6 to 96--is available in 3 formats: An affordable digital audiobook for streaming, the CD version of the audiobook, or the print-version. It boasts 250 pages of read-aloud stories that will teach you about the critical principles of true health and homeopathy. Evie Brown loves her amazing Grandma Annette, who recovers from the flu sooner than anyone else. Evie spies the clever healing secrets her grandmother has tucked away in her purse, and Evie wants to know more about these secrets, especially homeopathy. Evie—intensely curious, full of questions, and eager to learn—shadows her grandmother who does her best to teach Evie and her grandchildren all she knows. Evie learns about Antoine Béchamp, Louis Pasteur, and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. But when Grandma’s visit comes to an end, Evie is disappointed. Who will teach her about all the different homeopathic remedies? As winter melts away and brings budding flowers and chirping birds, it also brings a special visitor who reveals the seeds of truth about nineteen different homeopathic remedies.

Book Club Handbook: A Homeopathy Primer for Adults (required)

This Book Club Handbook is an essential guide going through each of the eight classes in the Book Club program. The handbook facilitates learning as it brings forward the key concepts from chapter readings in Evie and the Secret of Small Things and supports robust book club style discussion through probing questions and instruction.​​

Book Club Handbook Audiobook: Digital Streaming (Included with Handbook)

Do you need to multi-task while preparing for your Book Club session? I've got you. Together with any purchase of the Book Club Handbook, you will get access to the audiobook in digital streaming format. So, go boldly, multi-task away, and learn homeopathy!

Online Book Club Area (Included with Handbook)

This book club program includes lifetime access to an online video library of more than 45 rich and engaging videos that help you learn about the concepts being taught; from discussions of how to use a repertory to science demonstrations to remedy overviews and even a tour through a major homeopathy manufacturer. These videos will support your learning and book club discussions.​

Graduation gift! (Digital, Included with Handbook)

For all your dedication and hard work in completing this 8-week Book Club Program, and to support your journey of growing homeopathy knowledge, I am so pleased to provide you with an amazing, special digital gift. It provides you access to digital copies of several forgotten (yet truly wonderful) homeopathy books, a coupon book for homeopathy related products from several of the best homeopathy stores, access to continuing education resources from some of my favorite homeopaths, and additional printables and infographics. This is indeed a small treasure chest of value that I know you will enjoy!

The Family Homeopathy Journal (Optional but recommended)

When using homeopathic medicines, one of the greatest gifts you can give your family is high-quality homeopathic care. To achieve that, keeping track of important details and symptoms is key. This journal helps you organize important observations for acute and chronic illnesses for up to eight family members. This note-taking system empowers you to keep valuable notes whenever you take your own case. It also enables you to communicate clearly with a homeopath at appointments as you refer to your symptoms. Over time, this journal will become a valuable health record of your family’s homeopathic care. But, this journal isn’t just for keeping symptom-related records. The A-Z index of over 50 pages allows you to take notes on homeopathy information like remedies and keynotes. It also includes several practical and pragmatic sections like the book list bookshelf, remedies you need to order, and more. Finally, this journal uses beautiful homeopathy-inspired illustrations that were commissioned especially for this project; these are meant to be used as a calming and meditative adult coloring book experience.

Book Club Program Overview

Below is a general overview on each of the 8 classes covered in this Book Club Program

Class 1: The Terrain is Everything

Evie and the Secret of Small Things, Unit 1: Parts 1-4
In the first class, we cover a lot of sure to do the assigned reading BEFORE you come to class! In Class 1, you learn about Antoine Béchamp and his terrain theory as well as Louis Pasteur and his germ theory. You also get introduced to the concept that conventional drugs suppress illness and drive it deeper into your body. Finally, you also learn about the value of a healing fever. For those of you who opted to get The Family Homeopathy Journal, we go through it together, showing you how it can be a wonderful value to you and your family.

Class 2: Meet the Father of Homeopathy

Evie and the Secret of Small Things, Unit 2: Parts 1-2
Once the groundwork has been laid in Class 1, Class 2 introduces you to the basic precepts of homeopathic medicine. It covers the history of homeopathy by introducing Samuel Hahnemann and you delve deeper into the dangers of suppressing disease. It also helps you think critically about various treatments found in conventional medicine. In addition, this class introduces you to a central book in homeopathic medicine, the materia medica. In this lesson, you will also get some great tips about best practices when working with a homeopath. Finally, if you have The Family Homeopathy Journal, you will go over 'timelines' and how it helps you understand the big picture when it comes to your or a family member's health journey.

Class 3: Homeopathy & Provings

Evie and the Secret of Small Things, Unit 2: Part 3
& Unit 3: Part 1

In Class 3, you will learn more about the source materials that make up homeopathic medicines. You will also think about what it means to prove a homeopathic remedy, how you can avoid it, and what you can do if you have proven one. One of the exciting parts of this lesson is learning about what a homeopathic repertory is and how it works (generally speaking). You will even go through a simple acute case, using a repertory. If you have The Family Homeopathy Journal, you will go over the special index in the back of the book where you can take alphabetized notes--from remedies, to keynotes, and more!

Class 4: Taking the Case

Evie and the Secret of Small Things, Unit 3: Part 2
In this next class, you will dip your toe in the concept of nano particles and homeopathy. As part of this discussion, you will watch some amazing videos that look at the similarity between nano materials and homeopathy. You will also learn a bit about what it means to take an acute homeopathy case, what potency and dosing can look like for an acute case, how we need to avoid bias when taking a case, and you'll start taking some acute cases of your own! We also go into great detail about how you can select your own homeopath--what to look for and what questions to ask. If you have The Family Homeopathy Journal, we will go over how you can keep special notes for yourself and each of your family members

Class 5: Learning Homeopathic Remedies

Evie and the Secret of Small Things, Unit 4: Parts 1-2
Class 5 is great because you finally start learning about various homeopathy remedies: Allium cepa, Nat mur, Arnica montana, Rhus tox, Bryonia alba, and Silicea. You even get to study about each remedy via the video library in the Online Book Club Area. These videos feature interviews with two incredible homeopaths: Annie Batchelor (RSHom) and Christophe Merville--Director of Education and Pharmacy Development at Boiron USA. You also continue to practice some more acute case-taking by going through some more illnesses. Oh! And you get to learn about fantastic homeopathy books that should be part of any budding homeopath's library. If you have The Family Homeopathy Journal, in this lesson, you get to look at where you can keep track of the homeopathy books you want/have gotten, where you can keep track of the remedies that you need to buy, and more!

Class 6: Many More Homeopathic Remedies

Evie and the Secret of Small Things, Unit 4: Parts 3-4
In Class 6, you keep growing your knowledge about individual homeopathic remedies with Annie Batchelor (RSHom) and Christophe Merville from Boiron! You will study Symphytum, Ledum, Apis, Arsenicum, and Nux vomica. As in Class 5, you will have access to full-length videos that cover each of these remedies, or you can opt to study the shorter 'quick remedy videos' to save on time. Like before, you get to try your hand at solving more homeopathy cases. If you chose to purchase The Family Homeopathy Journal, you can note what you've learned in the back index ("Remedies and Health: Materia Medica, Repertory, and Other Notes").

Class 7: More Lessons from the Kit

Evie and the Secret of Small Things, Unit 4: Parts 5-6
In Class 7, you continue studying individual homeopathic remedies, including Cantharis, Causticum, and Urtica urens. You will have more opportunities to practice taking cases, and you will also access videos about each remedy! If you chose to purchase The Family Homeopathy Journal, continue adding your learning to the back index section of the book ("Remedies and Health: Materia Medica, Repertory, and Other Notes").

Class 8: A Few More Remedies & Review

Evie and the Secret of Small Things, Unit 4: Parts 7-9
Next on the list of remedies you're learning is Hypericum, Staphysagria, Belladonna, Carbo veg, Aconitum napellus (or Aconite for short). As before, you will access lesson videos for each remedy, and you get to practice taking more cases. If you chose to purchase The Family Homeopathy Journal, continue adding your learning to the back index section of the book ("Remedies and Health: Materia Medica, Repertory, and Other Notes").

Over 45 Video Resources

Our Online Book Club Area includes over 45 custom made or curated videos tailored to the Book Club to help you and your friends make the most of the material. Below are some examples:

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Book Club Materials

(Discounted when you buy 2 or more Items!)

Let's get you set up with everything you need to lead or participate in a Book Club! Enter your quantity below to build your discounted bundle. If you already have or don't need an item, you can enter 0 for your quantity. Remember, if you select 2 or more products, you automatically go from paying regular price to paying the discounted pricing.

Book Club Handbook - Physical Copy (Required)
Access to Online Book Club Area Included (with 40+ videos)
Access to Audiobook of Handbook (digital streaming) Included
Access to Graduation Gift Included
$ 54
Evie and the Secret of Small Things Storybook
You'll need the Evie and the Secret of Small Things Storybook, which you can buy in physical, CD, or digital streaming format.

Storybook - (Physical Book Version)

$ 82
$ 61

Storybook - Audiobook (CD Version)

$ 51
$ 46

Storybook - Audiobook (Digital Streaming Version)

$ 37
$ 32
Family Homeopathy Journal (Optional but recommended)
Premium Hardcover
$ 74
$ 68


Oops! Are you sure you want to continue?

We noticed you're missing the following item(s), which are essential to lead or participate in a Book Club:

Evie & the Secret of Small Things Storybook

Please note: If you already own the Evie storybook, no need to get a second copy! Also, because Paola wanted to keep this Book Club Program as affordable as possible, we have kept the material costs as low as possible. For that reason, we are unable to offer group-buy discounts for Book Club Materials. This way, anyone can learn homeopathy.

What Is the Book Club Experience Like?

Not ready to buy? Check out some of the samples!

I want to make absolutely sure that everyone who buys this Book Club program absolutely LOVES it. So I made part of it available for free! You will get access to a chapter from the novel, Evie and the Secret of Small Things, the Table of Contents from the Handbook and a bit of one of the lessons, and you’ll even get the index and a sample page from The Family Homeopathy Journal.

About the Author, Paola Brown

Paola Brown is a wife, homesteading mama of three, and experienced educator whose homeopathy workshops, classes, and interactive online courses empower other moms and families to incorporate homeopathic principles into their lives. As president and founder of Americans for Homeopathy Choice, Paola advocates for the growing number of mothers and other homeopathy users who want to protect their right to choose homeopathy. Paola Brown wrote every word of the curriculum herself. Paola has earned an MA in Curriculum and Instruction from Arizona State University, graduating summa cum laude, before spending more than a decade teaching English at the high school. Paola and her team has spent the past 3 years pouring their hearts into filling the need for quality homeopathic education for kids.

Join the Free Group to Get the Most Out of the Curriculum

We’ve created a special group to share homeopathy knowledge and encourage each other through teaching our kids about the power of homeopathy. Learning is best with community!

Paola's Story

The time has come! Teaching your children homeopathy — and passing this knowledge on for generations to come — is at your fingertips! You’ve heard it before: If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. Many of us have learned this the hard way—myself included. When I was a little girl aged 3, I immigrated with my family to the United States so my father could attend university. My mother knew that we could not afford health insurance, so she brought with her a little homeopathy kit and a booklet. She knew very little about homeopathy, but that was how she raised us, consulting her book and using the remedies to heal our ailments. But unfortunately, she didn’t realize the gift of health that she was giving us. When my father graduated and got a secure job that provided for our needs—when they achieved the “American dream”—my mother was so elated to have health insurance and “real” healthcare that she threw out her homeopathy kit! She didn’t realize what she had.
Similarly, my father grew up in Brazil being treated by a homeopathic physician. He remembers clearly being prescribed Phosphorous and other homeopathic medicines as a child. Despite both my parents’ positive experiences with homeopathy, the knowledge was lost. And later on in life, I unfortunately suffered greatly because of it. As a young adult, I took many antibiotics for my urinary tract infections, and my health declined significantly. I suffered from autoimmune diseases and faced a life of debilitating illness and an ever-growing list of dangerous medications like opioids and more. The thread of knowledge about true health and wellness had been broken from one generation to the next. Then I rediscovered homeopathy. With it, I reclaimed my health, and the rest has been history.
My mom, who first brought homeopathy into our home
Paola Brown
Before I began our fight to defend homeopathy, alongside other amazing women at Americans for Homeopathy Choice, I was already working on this curriculum. In a flash, I knew what I—and so many other mothers, parents and caregivers—needed. And it’s only because our advocacy work to defend homeopathy has been (and continues to be) so important and so all-consuming that it has taken me until now, working double-time, to finally bring this to you. I couldn’t be happier. My parents — who are back to using homeopathy and live completely drug-free — love it. I know you will love it too. This curriculum is of the highest quality. It is my opus.
To develop this curriculum, I meticulously researched a collection of over forty-five different books, scientific journals, and resources. Teach Me Health & Homeopathy is unique because it is the FIRST literature-based homeopathy curriculum designed for students of multiple ages. It includes a book of stories (with an audiobook option), a teacher’s manual, a student workbook (leveled for three age groups), beautiful illustrations, recorded supplemental videos available online, digital remedy flashcards and games for memory work, a digital vocabulary and reading guide for 8th grade students and older, and even an optional collection of songs to help children memorize important homeopathy facts. The unique material will enchant the whole family and make learning fun and accessible. It is my greatest hope that this curriculum will help you and your family find rich learning and generations of health.
garden family (1)

Order Paola's Book Club program!

Now, you can take Paola’s wonderful teaching style and help your friends learn about homeopathy!

Starting at $73

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